Tuesday, October 23rd
Tuesday night was the next-to-last class in our wedding seminar. D– wasn’t available to babysit AB, so we had more work than usual as we got her ready to take with us, but we were still only a few minutes late to class (and not the last ones to arrive). Class went pretty well, and afterward we talked K– and N– into coming home with us to watch Heroes. That was fun. K– also checked on my progress on Portal, which I finished later that night. Very fun game.
Wednesday, October 24th
Last night, D– came over for dinner, and then K– and N– showed up to carpool with us over to B– and E–‘s. The guys went over there to hang out, and the girls went over there to see the baby. It worked out for everybody.
We had a pretty good time, talking and catching up (and me drinking all of B–‘s OJ and vodka), and it was nearly 9:00 by the time we got home. At that point, T– did some painting and I read up on CGI and Python web tools while we watched a couple old episodes of Jim. Then it was bed time.