No, I did not go to the gym last night. But it wasn’t the sloth that prevailed. It was gluttony.
Actually, D– often picks up Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner for us on Thursday nights, and last night he said he really didn’t feel like waiting until 7:30 for dinner, so he asked if we would be willing to skip the gym. As I said even in my post, I didn’t really feel like going, so it was an easy enough sacrifice to make.
T– built us a new HeroScape map yesterday, but we didn’t have a chance to try it out. I got home from work and immediately got started testing out my new universal remote. I’d done a little bit of the programming at work yesterday, so it only took me about twenty minutes to get it controlling the TiVo and the XBox (which, between the two, cover 99% of our entertainment system use). I spent most of the rest of the night fiddling with it, but the main functionality was there (and awesome) within about half an hour.
Then we ate dinner and watched Arrested Development for a couple hours, and D– said he needed to get home right around the time I was headed to bed, thus the lack of HeroScape. I’m sure we’ll get in some good games over the weekend though.
Once he was gone, T– and I watched Boston Legal until bedtime.
I’ve mentioned some problems getting to sleep over the last week. Well, T– picked up some over-the-counter sleeping pills for me yesterday, and I tried my first one last night. Per the instructions, I took one about half an hour before going to bed (in this case, about 9:40). A little after ten I headed to bed, but I didn’t feel the least bit sleepy. I finally started drifting off around 11:30, but I kept waking up. That went on until 1-ish, and then the sleeping pill really kicked in. I mean, I could certainly feel it working when my alarm went off at 6:00, and 6:09, and 6:18, and 7:00, and 7:09, and again around 8:00.
Ugh. No, that’s not looking like a solution for me. My morning was worse than usual, and my night was no better.
Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.