Journal Entry: March 18, 2009

Last night I came home and crashed on the couch, playing with AB some whenever she wandered close enough. At some point T– asked me what I wanted for dinner, and I floated the idea of chili cheese dip. She said, “I’ll make it if you’ll go buy the Velveeta.”

I should have jumped up right then and gone. I didn’t. I agree to run to the store, but I wasn’t in a super hurry. By the time I finally did heave myself up off the couch, she had a whole shopping list for me, on the back of an envelope stuffed with coupons.

Well, okay, eight items on the list and four coupons in the envelope. Even so!

I ran up to the store, and afterward she made a delicious dinner for us. Then she took AB to have a bath, while I cracked open one of my new books.

After AB’s bath, T– and I watched the rest of Kings. It’s a fantastic show. Admittedly I’ve only seen the pilot, but they’re setting up exactly the right elements of the story, if you ask me. I regret the absence of a likeable Jonathan (and, yeah, that’s exactly the sort of comment I was bemoaning in my post yesterday), but they’re diving head-first into some of the more interesting narrative bits of the David story that we sometimes gloss over in our retelling. So that’s exciting.

We finished that up at about 8:56, and then I headed into the office. No setup to do yesterday, so I dove right into the writing. By 10:30, I was finished with chapter two of Ghost Targets: Expectation. Long-term, I’m comfortable with the idea of working on different projects every night, but I would really like to push through Expectation in a hurry, if I can. That’s still my goal, anyway.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.