Journal Entry: September 16, 2008

What a game….

Yesterday afternoon I got home from work, took care of some chores around the house, and returned some borrowed lawncare items to the neighbor across the back fence. He, in turn, gave us a gift for AB that he and the wife had found while out shopping. It’s a pretty cool little alphabet toy. Noisy, but cool.

Then T– and I packed up the baby (with her new toy, to keep her happy) and headed to K– and N–‘s place for dinner. N– made Polish sausage and veggies, and T– brought pulled pork sandwiches, and it was a delicious meal. Then afterward we retired to the living room to watch the Cowboys/Eagles game.

It was spectacular. If you didn’t see it, you missed a good one.

I also got Julie’s wedding poem done yesterday, which is a pretty big deal. I’m closing out items on my To Do list, and hope to keep that up this week, by putting together submission packages for three of my novels and preparing some material for our writing convention next week.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.