Journal Entry: August 18, 2008

Thursday night I made my triumphal return to the gym. It was unimpressive. I spent forty-five minutes on the treadmill, then went home.

One thing of note: there was no one there for childcare, even though we were within the regular childcare hours, so Brian — K– and N–‘s trainer — stepped in and spent the time watching AB. It was pretty funny.

Afterward we met D– at the house for dinner — he brought BWW, because it was Thursday — and we watched Get Smart and played Civ.

Friday night, T– went to dinner with her friend Rebecca, and left me to watch AB. We had some fun together. We had dinner, and played for a while, then went out for snowcones, but she was asleep by the time we got home, so she didn’t get any. Poor thing.

Then T– got home from her dinner date (at a bar downtown), and a short while later D– called and offered to bring us some liquor of our choice, so we requested wine coolers and rum, and he brought sangria and rum, but that was close enough. We drank, and then we watched Get Smart and played Civ.

Saturday morning I’d intended to go to the gym, but K– was busy with work and AB went down for a nap right around the time I got ready, so I decided to stay home. An hour or so later, T– and I walked AB up to the bagel restaurant around the corner, and D– met us there for lunch. It was good. Afterward…well, watched Get Smart and played Civ for most of the afternoon and evening.

We took a break at 5:00 to drive out to the Huddlestons’ place for dinner. We ate burgers and watched Austin Powers and then had ice cream. Then we came home around 8:30 to put AB to bed, and afterward got back to the Civving. Around 2:30 I annihilated my nemesis (the Dutch) about two turns before D– won the game with a Cultural Victory. Then he went home, and I finally went to bed.

Sunday morning I woke up in time for church, then T– and I met D– at Mazzio’s for a lunch buffet. Afterward, I crashed on the couch for a couple hours during AB’s nap, and T– ran out to do some grocery shopping.

We’d recorded Saturday night’s Cowboys preseason game, and invited K– and N– (along with N–‘s parents), and D– and B– and E–, to come watch it with us. T– also made a turkey for dinner, and N– brought some fantastic mac and cheese (and K– brought some scruptious liquor), so we had a fine feast before we started the game.

There was no Civving. For real.

Then this morning I had to wake up early (or, rather, on time) to make it to an appointment with a physical therapist. That went well. The therapist thinks three to four weeks, two sessions a week, should be enough. She said no more than six weeks. I also have permission to keep going to the gym, as long as I don’t do anything that causes pain. Pretty much matches my intentions, so fair enough.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.