Journal Entry: August 5, 2008

I didn’t mention it in the weekend wrapup, but Sunday morning I wrote some on my Sleeping Kings story. I did a page sometime last week, too (which may have made it into the blog — I don’t feel motivated to do the necessary research).

Anyway, yesterday over lunch (and sitting in the waiting room at the chiropractor’s office), I finished up the new chapter I’m injecting into the middle of the already-finished-in-longhand novel, and then went ahead and typed it up, so now I can resume typing up the rest of my draft, and that will give me a finished draft of Golden Age. I think it’s going to be about 30 pages short, and I don’t know yet how I’m going to fix that, but I need to just get it down on paper first. And I’m now a major step closer to that goal.

So that’s exciting. After work, I played with AB some and T– made some really delicious chicken parmesan with pasta, and then D– came over and we played Civ until way too late. That was my whole evening, really.