Journal Entry

Okay, anyone who has subscribed to this blog as an RSS feed is about to get inundated.

I spent some time during the day yesterday working (with Kris’s help via email) on my blog migration script. It’s running right now and, with any luck, will keep right on plugging away for the next three to six hours, and move all my old Xanga posts over here, probably date- and time-stamped so that they appear in historical context.

I’m doing that for my records. Don’t feel like I suddenly expect you to reread three-year-old philosophy posts. You’re welcome to, though.

Anyway, after work yesterday T– and I went to the gym, and I decided to go ahead and try jogging after my strength training. I usually do the elliptical, instead, because it’s a hell of a lot easier. I’m starting to think of switching back to a three-days-a-week habit, though, and if I were to do that, I’d probably just leave out the elliptical altogether.

Jogging went better than I really expected it to. I went ahead and started week 3 of my training program, and the three-minute stretches of jogging were tough, but not too bad.

After that I grabbed us all some dinner while T– went home with N– to start work on the Bible class they’re leading on Wednesday night. I spent the hour or so watching AB (mostly climbing up and down the stairs to K–‘s loft), and then by the time we got home it was already 9.

T– watched Bones and then turned on the new How I Met Your Mother while I worked on the blog migration script which is running even now.

It saves me a ton of work, but I’ll still need to review every post, partly because Xanga didn’t institute post titles until about a year ago, and Blogger relies on them heavily. Also, I like the idea of tags as used by Blogger, so I need to tag them all.

That will be a gradual process, though, as there’s 235 new posts I’ll have to crawl through. Eventually, it will be done.

Also…rereading them, I’m sorely tempted to start posting essays again. I don’t know how long the feeling will last, but don’t be surprised if one or two start popping up.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.

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