Journal Entry

I just realized, for the first time, that the Alphabet Game is a total scam. It’s a good one, though. I’ll definitely use it on AB.

Even though I don’t socialize much when I’m at the gym, it still feels pretty lonely when I go and nobody else I know is there. I suppose not having my mp3 player has compounded that a little bit. I got the new one in the mail last night, just before I headed to the gym, but it needed three hours of charging, so I wasn’t able to take it with me.

Anyway, yeah, I went to the gym after work, did my strength and cardio for an hour, and then headed home. D– had offered to pick up some Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner, so I invited K– and N– to come join us after the gym, but they skipped both so they could go to the church picnic last night.

I called B–, too, and offered to bring the chicken to their place (I know D– wouldn’t have minded), but they were busy with plans of their owns. Speaking of which, congratulations, E–! You’ll make a fantastic American. (I mean that as a compliment. Really.)

So, rejections firmly established, I got home around 7:30 and D– and I spent the evening watching NBC sitcoms and eating chicken wings. A couple hours later, just as I was about to kick him out and go to bed at a reasonable hour (for the first time all week), he suggested we go grab a beer at The Dugout.

When we got there, though, we discovered they had live music all night, so we kept driving. Ended up at The Fox and Hound for a little over an hour, talking mostly politics and predictions for the world’s future. I think we decided to start learning to be hackers.

Then I got up early this morning, and had to leave work after an hour to make a dentist appointment. I’m not sure yet what this evening will hold.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.

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