Journal Entry

Wednesday, July 18th
I spent nearly the entire day at work yesterday filling out paperwork for the contract transition. It was wild. I had set aside yesterday to get that done, but really figured it would take maybe an hour. It took six. And that made for a very long day.

Got home, and our friend Vicki was in town for work and she’d stopped by to hang out with T–. That was pretty cool. It’s always fun to see Vicki again. We chatted for a while, then got a call from K– and decided to go hang out with K– and N– for a couple hours. Vicki wanted to spend some more time with AB, so she offered to watch her for us. It was very kind of her.

We picked up some Subway on the way over, and had dinner with K– and N–, and then watched the first episode of the new season of Psych. That was fun.

Then I dropped T– back at home, and remembered that K– needed me to help him pick up his car (and I’d forgotten to do that while we were there), so I went back to his place, and dropped him off at his car. We got to talk some, which was nice. Then I got home and found Vicki still there, which was a pleasant surprise (I’d kinda figured she would leave right when I dropped off T–). So I got to talk with her some more, and to say goodbye before she left.

That ended up being around 10:30, and I had to work this morning, so I skipped my walk last night. I also haven’t gotten any writing done for the last couple days. I’m hoping to jump back into it, maybe over the weekend, but we’ll be in Little Rock so I’m not sure how successful it’ll be.

Tuesday, July 17th
Tuesday really wasn’t interesting. Same as Monday, but on Tuesday. I played WoW, and went for a walk.

Oh! T– experimented with making chicken fried rice using Rice-a-Roni instead of rice, and I think we were both really surprised just how well it turned out. Awesome stuff.