Journal Entry

Okay, it’s done. They’re here. My blog is now 232 posts more content-rich.

I’ve got at least a week’s work ahead of me, double-checking them all and adding tags, but it will be fun work. I always enjoy reading through my old material, even when it’s just diary stuff.

So…hmm. Let me start with this. Whenever T– goes over to someone’s house for the first time (and more so back when she was just out of college), and they know she’s an interior designer, the first thing they say is along the lines of, “Oh, god, you must think this place looks terrible.”

Not because T– puts on superior airs or anything. It’s just a common response to specialists. Anyway, that’s always been kind of a sore spot for T–, because she doesn’t walk into a house and just immediately start judging it. She can look with a critical eye when she’s working (or someone asks her advice), but she’s not in that mode all the time.

I’m exactly the same way with reading. I don’t read through every book I pick up looking for the mistakes, unless I’m specifically working on editing that book. Sometimes bad story elements will jump out at me, but they should for anyone who regularly reads (or watches) stories.

So, lately I’ve been reading The Cat Who books, as I think I’ve mentioned, but I’d put that on hold to do the markup of Dad’s novel. Now, obviously, while doing the markup I was in editor mode, and since I finished that and picked up the next Cat Who book, I’ve noticed it hasn’t gone away. I read every sentence in the book and think how I would rearrange or rewrite it to make the verb stronger.

It’s rather distracting. The book isn’t awful (although the writing is kind of weak), but I’ve gotten in the habit of giving advice and now it’s kind of got me in its grip. I’m just glad I’m not reading one of my favorite authors at the moment, because that could be depressing.

Anyway, yeah, yesterday I read a couple chapters of The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern over lunch, picked up AB from E–‘s after work (because T– had spent the day working in Tulsa), and then completely decided to skip the gym. I’d done my running on Monday, and I just didn’t feel like going.

Instead, I hit the mall and picked up some new running shoes (that I’ve been meaning to get for a couple months now), then had dinner with T– and watched an old episode of Lost, and then headed over to D–‘s place to check out Age of Conan, the new MMO. It’s pretty dang sweet.

I got home late, and got up late this morning because of it. Still, way worth it.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.

Journal Entry

Okay, anyone who has subscribed to this blog as an RSS feed is about to get inundated.

I spent some time during the day yesterday working (with Kris’s help via email) on my blog migration script. It’s running right now and, with any luck, will keep right on plugging away for the next three to six hours, and move all my old Xanga posts over here, probably date- and time-stamped so that they appear in historical context.

I’m doing that for my records. Don’t feel like I suddenly expect you to reread three-year-old philosophy posts. You’re welcome to, though.

Anyway, after work yesterday T– and I went to the gym, and I decided to go ahead and try jogging after my strength training. I usually do the elliptical, instead, because it’s a hell of a lot easier. I’m starting to think of switching back to a three-days-a-week habit, though, and if I were to do that, I’d probably just leave out the elliptical altogether.

Jogging went better than I really expected it to. I went ahead and started week 3 of my training program, and the three-minute stretches of jogging were tough, but not too bad.

After that I grabbed us all some dinner while T– went home with N– to start work on the Bible class they’re leading on Wednesday night. I spent the hour or so watching AB (mostly climbing up and down the stairs to K–‘s loft), and then by the time we got home it was already 9.

T– watched Bones and then turned on the new How I Met Your Mother while I worked on the blog migration script which is running even now.

It saves me a ton of work, but I’ll still need to review every post, partly because Xanga didn’t institute post titles until about a year ago, and Blogger relies on them heavily. Also, I like the idea of tags as used by Blogger, so I need to tag them all.

That will be a gradual process, though, as there’s 235 new posts I’ll have to crawl through. Eventually, it will be done.

Also…rereading them, I’m sorely tempted to start posting essays again. I don’t know how long the feeling will last, but don’t be surprised if one or two start popping up.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.

Journal Entry

Friday after work I decided to mow the lawn for T–, so she wouldn’t have to worry about it when she came home. I didn’t want to feel all woozy and drugged out during my workout, though, so I didn’t take a Benadryl. Instead, I had an allergy attack during my workout.

I went ahead and did the full hour, though. As I do on Cardio days, I started with my jog, then went to the elliptical for the second half-hour. I was supposed to be on the third (and final) day of week two from my jogging program, but you’ll recall that I skipped the second day of it to try out the spinning class.

Turns out, that wasn’t really a problem. The first day of week two felt impossible, and I remember thinking, “These guys are crazy, if they think someone can progress in that big of steps.” But, then, on Friday I was thinking, “Wow, this is almost easy.” So that was pretty cool.

I start week 3 on Tuesday. Would’ve been yesterday, but I was driving back from Wichita.

Anyway, after I finished at the gym, I met up with K– and N– and D–, and we headed to Louie’s on the Lake for dinner, but the place was packed. We checked every table, and there wasn’t one free. So, after some discussion, we decided to head down to Joe’s Crab Shack. I had steak.

Afterward, we went back to K– and N–‘s place to watch some stand-up on Comedy Central. We were all exhausted, so around 10 when N– decided she was ready for bed, we were all ready to agree. Except maybe for D–, but he didn’t put up much argument. He headed home, and I crashed at their place, for a couple reasons.

First, it’s much closer to the gym. I woke up Saturday morning at 7 and ran up to the gym for my regular workout, and then went back to the house for a quick shower, and got on the road to Wichita. Their place is almost half an hour closer to Wichita, too.

The drive isn’t too bad, and I spent the whole trip listening to Eddie Izzard’s stand-up, so that was fun. I got to T–‘s parents’ place in time for lunch (tacos), and then grabbed a half-hour nap on the couch before we were sent out on errands to help with wedding preparation.

We got some food and stuff at Wal-Mart, then dropped it off at the reception hall and helped set up tables and whatnot. Then around 4 we ran home, got dressed in our finest, and went back up to the wedding.

The ceremony was outdoors, and it was just a perfect day for it. It was a quick wedding, too, and the reception was held right there at the site. Much less hassle than most weddings.

The reception only last a little over an hour, too. Afterward we helped clean up, and then went back home to watch some TV and generally veg out.

Sunday morning, I slept in. T–‘s parents have an exercise bike, but I was not about to try to use that thing. I woke up late, snacked on some fruits and veggies leftover from the wedding, and played with AB while we all waited for lunchtime to roll around.

John grilled up some chicken and burgers, and they had about half the wedding party over for lunch (a typical Charboneau Sunday, that). Lunch was delicious, and then afterward we gathered to watch the bride and groom open all their gifts, and right after that T– was ready to head home.

We got in around 4:15, unpacked the cars, watched last week’s Lost, and then ended up grabbing some Taco Bell for dinner and watching a bunch of season 2 Lost, and that was the whole evening.

It was fun. The weekend just flew by, but it was a pretty pleasant one. I can’t say I’m ready to be back at work, though. Alas.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.

Journal Entry

I just realized, for the first time, that the Alphabet Game is a total scam. It’s a good one, though. I’ll definitely use it on AB.

Even though I don’t socialize much when I’m at the gym, it still feels pretty lonely when I go and nobody else I know is there. I suppose not having my mp3 player has compounded that a little bit. I got the new one in the mail last night, just before I headed to the gym, but it needed three hours of charging, so I wasn’t able to take it with me.

Anyway, yeah, I went to the gym after work, did my strength and cardio for an hour, and then headed home. D– had offered to pick up some Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner, so I invited K– and N– to come join us after the gym, but they skipped both so they could go to the church picnic last night.

I called B–, too, and offered to bring the chicken to their place (I know D– wouldn’t have minded), but they were busy with plans of their owns. Speaking of which, congratulations, E–! You’ll make a fantastic American. (I mean that as a compliment. Really.)

So, rejections firmly established, I got home around 7:30 and D– and I spent the evening watching NBC sitcoms and eating chicken wings. A couple hours later, just as I was about to kick him out and go to bed at a reasonable hour (for the first time all week), he suggested we go grab a beer at The Dugout.

When we got there, though, we discovered they had live music all night, so we kept driving. Ended up at The Fox and Hound for a little over an hour, talking mostly politics and predictions for the world’s future. I think we decided to start learning to be hackers.

Then I got up early this morning, and had to leave work after an hour to make a dentist appointment. I’m not sure yet what this evening will hold.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.

Journal Entry

After work yesterday, I spent a while on the phone with my dad, discussing his book. He’s deeply embroiled in trying to find an agent, and I’ll probably do a couple posts in the near future talking about that.

Anyway, as part of his quest, he also asked me to do a thorough critical and editorial review of his NaNoWriMo book, Chop, Grind, or Puree. I’m about two thirds done with that, and we spent nearly an hour discussing the issues with it.

Overall…it’s good. It’s way too good, actually, for a first novel written in such a short timeframe. Completely unreasonable. He’s trying to do a little too much with it, I think, and needs some narrative focus, and there’s some minor but persistent problems that are just there because he didn’t spend four years getting a writing degree. But, for the most part, it’s excellent.

I got off the phone around 5:45 and found D– and N– waiting in my living room. We went out to Freddy’s for dinner, and then K– and N– went to church and D– and I went back to my place to finish up some software installation on my computer. That took less than half an hour, though.

Afterward, we watched a couple episodes of New Amsterdam, but it was disappointing. We swapped it out for The Best of Steve Martin from Saturday Night Live, and it was a major improvement. That’s a long collection, too.

While we watched TV, I was working on my blog migration project — writing a script to cleanly move all my old Xanga posts over here. Parts of it turned out to be much easier than I’d expected. Other parts are proving truly stubborn (particularly logging into Blogger via script). K– showed up just when I was getting supremely frustrated with Xanga, and showed me how to fix it. I just sent him an email about my current supreme frustration with Blogger, and I have no doubt he’ll make fixing that look easy, too.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.

Journal Entry

Ugh. I went to the gym to do an hour’s cardio last night, and when I showed up K– and N– invited me to join them for a spinning class.

I’d never done one, but I’d heard they were tough. And that’s certainly true. Within minutes it had my heart pounding and my legs exhausted, just like jogging did when I first started (and, really, even the elliptical back in January).

The problem for me, though, was that I haven’t ridden a bicycle since I was seven years old. And, frankly, I don’t have much in the way of an ass. Now I just have a big triangle-shaped bruise where my ass should be. The sort of extraordinarily painful bruise that hurts even when nothing is touching it, never mind when (just for instance) several hundred pounds are resting on top of it. What I’m getting at is that sitting down hurts, and sitting down is basically what I do. I can’t even remember the last time I stood up….

So, yeah, my world is pain. Whatcha gonna do?

After the gym, K– and N– were nice enough to invite me over to their place for dinner, so I hung out with them for a couple hours while we watched TV and talked. That was fun. Afterward, I decided I didn’t have the patience to wait until tomorrow (today) to rebuild my computer, so I met D– at my place (it was already almost 10), and we worked on that until after midnight.

The good news is, I got it done, and my computer works much better now. I also got a couple glasses of good scotch out of the arrangement, because D– was in a drinkin’ mood. The bad news is, I slept way late and had to burn a couple hours of leave this morning.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.

Journal Entry

Okay, here’s the deal with Lost. About a year ago, the writers and producers worked out a deal which gave the series three more seasons (4, 5, and 6, and we’re currently late in season 4), of 16 episodes each.

Because of the writer’s strike, season 4 is only going to be 14 episodes long, missing 2 of the promised 16. Yesterday it was announced that seasons 5 and 6 will both be extended by one episode, bringing the total of all three seasons back in line with initial expectations.

As for the end of season 4, I’ve heard that the writers were granted an extra hour for the season finale (making it 2 hours instead of 1, naturally). I don’t know if that extra hour counts as one of the fourteen episodes in season 4, or if it’s like getting an extra hour. Finding that out would take some minor research, and I’m not going to do that.

Now, as far as journaling goes, yesterday I got home from work, went to the gym, and then came home and spent most of the evening burning DVDs and getting my computer ready for an OS rebuild. Nothing very interesting.

I did nearly weep in frustration when I was at the gym. K– and N–, if you’re reading this, you can probably just skip the rest of the post. Everybody else, too. I’m going to whine about my weight loss problems.

Here’s the story. Several years ago (summer of 2003, I think it was), I got severely sick late in July — lots of nausea, for weeks at a time — and I lost ten or fifteen pounds from not eating at all. Even when I got better, I basically starved myself for a couple months. I was in a depressive funk, and not taking care of myself. It had nothing to do with trying to lose weight, but I dropped twenty or thirty pounds over that time.

Then, noticing that, I decided to start taking some metabolism pills daily, and that really got things going. I walked a lot of mornings, working on my writing projects, but I wasn’t too consistent and I never walked at anything above a stroll. Still, before the end of the year, I was down to 190 pounds — the lowest I’d been since early in high school. At my build, 180 pounds is just about perfect (assuming a little bit of muscle tone).

Anyway, obviously, I didn’t keep that up. I put all the pounds back on gradually, and by 2005 I was my same old self — hovering around 240.

Last year, starting late in June, I decided to get in shape again. Remembering how much success I’d had in 2003 (and wrongly attributing it to the very light exercise), I decided to start walking. I didn’t really change my diet at all, but I went walking most evenings (which is well chronicled on my old Xanga blog), and in three weeks I dropped twelve pounds (from 248 to 236). After that, I pretty much stopped losing weight. I didn’t do anything to improve my regimen, and bounced around between 235 and 240 until the holidays, when I slid back up to 244 and stayed right there.

Okay, so this year I decided to do things right. In January, I joined a gym that had shown some amazing results for K– and N–. I got two free trainer sessions with a year’s membership, and K– had gone through two years of regular (almost monthly) trainer sessions, so he was in a position to help me out with lots of information.

I started out going three days a week, focusing on strength training (because dense muscle mass greatly boosts resting metabolism) and cardio in equal parts. My first few weeks, I’d get on the elliptical machine for a thirty minute workout and have to stop seven minutes in, lungs aching, heart pounding, and generally feeling like I was about to die.

I learned how to push through that, and kept at it, and within about four weeks I was able to go a full thirty minutes on the elliptical. That, essentially, is the only real progress I’ve seen. I can lift a little more weight than I could in January, but I started at such pathetically small amounts that I’m not ready to brag about it.

Anyway, I’ve since moved to five and then six days a week working out, because I wasn’t seeing the weight loss I expected. I still stick with only three days a week of weight training, with at least a day of rest in between, but I generally spend an hour of intensive cardio on those off days, running on the treadmill and then sprinting on the elliptical, hitting about 5-6 miles in an hour (according to the machines’ calculations).

I weigh myself on the gym’s scale every time I show up. I’ve heard to only weigh weekly, and keep averages, but the numbers are so consistent and even tracking just one of those measurements a week would yield the same results.

It’s this: the lowest I’ve weighed (and I only hit that weight once) was a week and a half ago on Saturday, when I weighed in at 232. In January, when I started, I was consistently weighing 244. That’s a twelve pound loss over the course of five months — the same thing I managed last year with some leisurely walking around the neighborhood, and then it only took me three weeks.

Actually, it’s worse than that, because I’ve never weighed in at 232 since then. My average for the last 10 days is about 237.

Now, as I said, this is the same gym K– and N– go to, and they’ve seen just how hard I’ve been working at it. Every time I complain to them at my lack of results (because it’s damned unmotivating), they both have the same answer (and it makes sense from their perspectives). They say, “Look, it’s obviously not a problem with the number of calories you’re burning, so it can only be one thing. It has to be your diet.”

I understand exactly why they feel that way, because they can see one aspect of my work and not the other, but I’ve changed my diet at least as much as I’ve changed my level of activity.

Before January, I typically ate somewhere around 2,400 calories a day. That’s not absurdly high, but it’s higher than recommended (1,800-2,000). The big problem was that about a third of that 2,400 calories was essentially sugar — sweet desserts, mainly — that had almost no nutritive value and converted easily to fats. I did a lot of snacking during the day at work (sweets and junk food), and I liked to have some kind of dessert after every lunch or dinner. I was also awful about having something to eat (usually something sweet) late in the evening, about an hour before bed.

The first thing I did was cut that late-night snack. For a New Year’s Resolution, I decided not to have anything with any significant amount of calories after eight o’clock. No desserts, no snacks (even healthier ones), and no drinks. That was even before I started at the gym. It just seemed like a good idea. And, with the exception of a few nights out drinking with D–, I’ve completely maintained that resolution. Actually, with far greater success than I ever expected. The first couple weeks were hard, but it became habit really quickly.

Then, a couple weeks into my gym membership when I hadn’t seen any progress on the scales, I was discussing things with K–, and he recommended switching to a five-meals-a-day diet — smaller meals spread throughout the day, to keep the metabolism going. Specifically, I picked up some protein shakes to fill in as snacks between meals. I have one with breakfast, one for a mid-morning snack, and one mid-afternoon. The protein is supposed to help with my strength training, the shake is surprisingly filling, and the calorie count is extremely low.

And it worked. Really, from the very start, it worked. I cut all snacks from my diet, except for the shakes as I described above. Sometimes, on strength training days, I’ll have one extra small meal in the afternoon (because I have a very early lunch, and a late dinner), but even that is scheduled. I’m not grabbing junk food just for something to munch on. I know exactly how much I’m eating every day.

Since I started on the shakes, I not only cut snacks, but I mostly stopped eating sides with my meals. I am satisfied with much smaller portions and — whether from feeling fuller or just general self-control developed through all of this — it’s gotten a lot easier for me to stop eating at “satisfied” instead of going on to “stuffed.”

Basically, within a few weeks of starting at the gym, I went from an average 2,400 calorie day to about a 1,900 calorie day. T– and I hit up the website of all our favorite restaurants (fast food included), and got the nutrition facts for pretty much everything I eat. Now that I’ve limited how many impulsive snacks I eat, it’s relatively easy to keep track of everything I have in a day, and 1,900 calories wasn’t too hard to manage.

But, even with the elimination of evening snacks, desserts were still making way too high a percentage of those calories empty sugar calories. And I still wasn’t losing weight, so sometime in March (I think), I got really frustrated and decided to cut sugar altogether. For three weeks, I didn’t eat anything sweet. Again, it was tough at first, but got a lot easier.

Still, I didn’t jump-start any big weight loss. By the end of that time (and the three months of workout leading up to it), I was looking at a total of about 7 pounds lost (the same thing I have now). When the three weeks expired without seeing any major changes, I decided to let myself have a little bit more reasonable restriction, and limited myself to two treats a week. To make up for the lost sugar calories, I’ve been working on incorporating a few healthier sides in with my meals. It hasn’t been too tough.

So, now, I’m consistently at around 1,800-2,000 calories a day (the recommended amount). Days that I’m really bad (going out drinking, or having a frozen custard for dessert), I still tend to come in under 2,200, and those are relatively rare.

In the last five months, I’ve radically altered both my diet and my level of activity — I’m living a healthier lifestyle than I ever have, at any point in my twenty-eight years — and, basically, I haven’t seen any more change in my body than I would expect on any given summer, with just a little light walking.

It’s been pointed out far too often that muscle weighs more than fat, but if I’d been burning fat at a rate reasonable for the work I’ve been doing (say, 1-2 pounds a week), and just maintaining weight through strength training, I’d be looking at about 30 pounds of new muscle now (and 30 pounds of lost fat). When I started, I was about 60 pounds overweight, so at this point half of my superfluous weight should be replaced with strong, toned muscles.

It’s just not there. I’ve been told I look a little better, from all the work, but it’s about what you’d expect if, say, I dropped seven pounds. I’ve got plenty of pictures from late last year, and it’s easy enough to compare. There’s just no way that’s the answer to the issue.

Honestly, I don’t know what to do now. I could try a severely restrictive diet, in the expectation that all the sacrifice will be worth it once I get in shape, but (as I’ve shown) I’ve already massively changed the way I lived — on a truly dramatic scale — and seen virtually no results from it. It’s terribly hard to find the motivation to invest the time and money into eating healthy (and accept all the sacrifices that go with it) when, at this point, I have seen no real reason to expect any change whatsoever.

Then again, I’ve invested so much already, I can’t just give up. As much as I hate sinking more time and money into something that’s about as effective as going for an evening stroll…what if I am on the verge of “really ramping up my metabolism”? I’ve dropped about $420 in gym membership so far (and I’m on the hook for another six months no matter what I decide), and about $120 in gas just for trips to the gym, and easily 160 hours over about 20 weeks, and I’ve got seven pounds of weight loss to show for it.

It drives me mad. It really does. No matter what else is going on in my life, as soon as I start thinking about this, it just makes me angry and disappointed and frustrated…. And then at the end of the day I have to find the energy to go put in another two hours, somehow, in spite of a scale that reads the same thing.

You know, I believed in the simplicity of the system. Work more, eat less. That should be all there is to it. I don’t have any good reasons to believe that I have gland problems or anything of that sort, but this is just ridiculous. I’ve worked more in the last five months than I ever have in my life. I’ve eaten more healthfully than I ever have in my life. I just don’t understand the results I’m seeing.

Anyway, I wanted to put it all down in one place — a snapshot of the whole story, in terms of what I’ve seen in the past, everything I’ve tried and everything I’ve been doing, and a thorough description of what the last five months have shown me. I’m not going to repeat this rant every time I see 237 on that scale. I just wanted to get it all down.

So, there you go. That’s how it’s been.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.

Journal Entry

It was a long weekend and busy, so there is much to report on. I promise there won’t be much complaining this time, though. It was a thoroughly pleasant weekend.

Well, okay, not Friday, but I won’t complain too much. Ask me sometime if you want the long version of the story (apparently it takes about thirty minutes — I learned that at the gym on Saturday), but for now I’ll just say that Friday was my RDO, and I spent the entire day (until, say, 5:00 or so) doing three projects.

I installed new faucet handles on the troublesome bathtub faucet (that seven-minute job took up the bulk of the day), I replaced the door handles on our garage side door and the creepy little room on the back of the house (with nice, new, functioning and lockable knobs), and I replaced the much-damaged blade on our lawnmower. I also spent some time cleaning out the underside of the mower while I was down there, but that still amounts to one job.

Anyway, it was all stuff that needed doing, and I got a day’s worth of projects done for under thirty bucks, so I feel pretty good about it, now. I also managed to work in a trip to the gym, in that same timeframe.

Before that, on Thursday night, D– brought over some chicken from Buffalo Wild Wings, and we all watched TV and ate wings. We also played some MarioKart, and at some point in the mix, T– decided she wanted to throw a party Saturday night. Seemed like a good plan to me, so she sent out some invitations.

Then, Friday night, we went out to Freddy’s for dinner and then headed home to watch whatever Thursday night shows had been preempted by MarioKart. Overall, after the long day’s work, Friday night was relatively quiet.

Saturday morning, T– got up early and took AB to the gym, because they were offering an aerobics class she was interested in. Unfortunately, when she got there (and our gym is over twenty minutes away), she learned that the babysitter was sick, and the computers were down so they hadn’t been able to contact a substitute. So T– turned around and came home. She wasn’t as upset about it as I would have been.

I didn’t go with her, though, because I needed to help D– with his car. He dropped it off at the dealership, and I gave him a ride home. We had some pizza from Mazzio’s, and played some more MarioKart until he got a call from the dealership and it was time for me to drive him back.

That was the first time I went out driving immediately after playing MarioKart. I kept trying to hop and drift on long turns. It was an utterly bizarre experience.

After that, he watched AB for us while T– did some shopping for the party. I ran up to Byron’s to get the liquor (tequila and triple sec), and then I hit the gym since I hadn’t made it in in the morning.

When six o’clock rolled around, K– and N– and Toby and Gwyn all showed up, and they came bearing food. T– had decided she wanted it to be a Diez de Mayo Fiesta (since, if you’ll recall, I ended up sleeping through Cinco de Mayo so we didn’t do anything to celebrate). She made enchiladas, I made salsa, and we had some excellent margaritas.

I got to show Toby my game for the first time, and we all played some MarioKart, and later in the evening I threw in Hogfather — a movie version of a Pratchett novel — and it was far better than I expected it to be. Not that I have anything against the novel (far from it), but I’ve never before had reason to be impressed with BBC production values….

The movie is pretty much a scene-for-scene rendition of the book, though, and every character and every scene is pretty much spot on to how they’re described (and shown, when illustrations are present). I was rather amazed by that.

Anyway, as I said, it’s scene-for-scene, so it clocks in at over three hours. We only watched about half of it Saturday night.

Sunday morning, of course, was Mother’s Day. We went to church, and then had lunch at Jason’s Deli (T–‘s choice), and invited along one of the ladies from church who often looks after AB, and whose children all live too far away to come into town for the holiday.

Then we went back to the house, and I watched the second half of the movie while T– fell asleep on the couch. Just as the credits rolled, she woke up and asked me to rewind it, so I started the second half over for her. About that time, K– called asking if I could bring him some tools, so I let her watch the rest of the movie while I ran that little errand.

I’d also offered to take her to see an exhibit at the Museum of Art downtown, but between her nap and my errand, there wasn’t really time. She said she wasn’t too disappointed — I’d just have to take her another time. I said that wouldn’t be a problem, and presented her Mother’s Day gift: a family membership to the Museum of Art.

I’d gotten her a membership to the Philbrook when we lived in Tulsa, but she was working full time then, and didn’t really have anyone to go with her. Now, she has a lot more liberty during the hours the museum is open, and a lot more friends around who can go with her. I think she’ll really be able to enjoy it.

So, yeah, that gift was a hit. After I got back from K–‘s, we went grocery shopping for some stuff for the week, and then grabbed Taco Bell on the way home. We had D– meet us with the rest of season two of Lost, and watched some of that and then SNL: The Best of Alec Baldwin. It was a pretty fun evening. All told, it was a pretty fun weekend.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff

Journal Entry

Wednesday night is really my night off (apart from making the arrangements to work out dinner). Now that I’m trying to do six days a week at the gym, Wednesday is my day off, so that alone is a pleasant break. I also get a nice dinner out with friends (as discussed previously), and then T– takes the baby to church, and I spend an evening hanging out with D–, or just working on some project of my own at home. By the time AB gets home, she’s ready for bed and T– and I usually watch a show or two before bed (if I didn’t go somewhere with D–). It’s a break, and it helps me make it to the weekend as often as not.

Last night, a few minutes after I got home (and with dinner plans already in place), I glanced up from where I was reading on the couch, and said, “Is that the tornado sirens?” It was only a faint wail, but given the weather, it seemed worth checking out. We turned on the news and called AB away from the windows, and saw angry red and orange radar patterns growling along directly above our house, with lots of talk of rotations and a tornado spotted on the ground about a mile and a half to the south.

So, we turned the volume up really loud and went to hide in our hallway, using the babygate to lock AB in with us, and waited. Really, by the time we had the babygate set up, the storm was past (it was really moving), but we waited and listened for ten minutes or so, until it had gotten out to I-35 way east of us, and then we took down the gate and got on with our evening.

There were limbs down and a couple power flickers, but apart from that nothing really exciting. The storms passed right between our place and K– and N–‘s, though, and by the time it was clear for them to head that way, it was too late for them to make it to Freddy’s for dinner and still have time for church, so we switched to Arby’s instead. Not even close, in terms of deliciousness, but it was much faster, and we all managed to get together.

After that, the churchers went a-churching, and D– and I went home to play some MarioKart Wii. We’re working on unlocking all the unlockable content, which means playing Single Player mode, and it also means, at times, spending a lot of time frustrated trying to get past really challenging races. I finally finished one that had been plaguing us ever since he picked up the game (Flower Cup on 100cc, bikes only), but it took about two hours of doing. Not so much fun.

Still, it was a good night, and when I finally completed the race, I completed it with the highest rank possible, so we’ll never have to do it again (on that difficulty setting, or on bikes). So there’s that. Definitely a sense of accomplishment, anyway.

Then in the middle of that T– brought home ice cream from Braum’s, and after I beat the level we watched an old episode of Lost, and then, inexplicably, I stayed up an extra hour and a half to finish off the novel I was reading, before finally heading to bed around midnight.

It was a good night.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.

Journal Entry

Yesterday I got home from work and learned AB had just gone down for a nap, so I needed to kill an hour before we went to the gym. I spent most of it talking to T–‘s mom and then my dad, but I also wrote B– an email that I may come to regret. I dunno.

After our workout, we stopped by my sister’s place on the way home, because she had a present to give me. It was a silly little something — the toddler toy out of a Taco Bell kid’s meal — but it was a special little bit of nostalgia, too. It was a kid’s book with some silly little song that Shannon and I had both learned at Foyil Elementary School, and now I’ll be able to teach it to AB. How fun.

After we got home, I spent most of the evening working on my game and watching TV with T–. I keep finding opportunities to fix things that have been irritating me, but that aren’t on my To Do list. So my list of accomplishments gets longer and longer, but the completion of the project stays just as distant. I suppose that’s normal in construction-style projects (as opposed to creative projects, where you start at the beginning and head straight for the end). Programming is tricky that way, blending the two styles in unexpected ways.

I got to bed early enough, and had a good night’s sleep for the first time in a while.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.