Journal Entry: Wednesday, June 27th

Okay, no meeting yesterday, but by casual email it was officially announced that my boss, our Team Lead, is going to be Acting Branch Manager (that is, he’s stepping into the shoes of his previous boss) until a permanent replacement is found. In addition, he’s going to be interviewing for the position.

Admittedly, I haven’t worked for that many bosses in my time, but from what I have seen, I’m just amazed by this guy’s style. I would love to see him in the permanent position (not least because he fully supports what I do, and some of my grand long-term ambitions). So, that’s definitely good news.

Are some people super sensitive to cumin? That’s my only explanation. I did use a lot more cumin than usual in the latest batch of chili, but it was still nowhere near “so spicy that you can only taste the spice, not the meat or other flavors.” That’s how T– put it. I had the leftovers yesterday, and I still don’t get it.

I also, yesterday, wrote out today’s scene for SK, which ended up over three times longer than my normal target for a daily post. That’s okay. I expect it’ll happen a lot between now and the end of the story. I’ve decided to write entire scenes in one sitting, instead of breaking them up in manageable blocks. It’s the sort of burst-productivity that you can only get over short periods, but I’m close to the end.

On that note, I keep thinking (and even saying), “I’m about ten pages from the end of the book.” Thing is, though…yesterday’s post alone was 10 pages. And I’ve got at least six more like that. So I guess there’s more to it than I realize. Maybe after editing it’ll be 10 pages total, but that’s still a long way off.

I’ve been listening almost exclusively to hip hop music as I’ve been writing Josh’s story (the first book of Sleeping Kings). Also, incidentally, Josh’s character has already claimed to be a hip-hop fan. We’ll learn tomorrow that he’s got a Luda Kris ring tone. It works well with his character.

Sarah’s character (the focus of the next book), isn’t likely to be a big hip-hop fan. I’m thinking more country, and on that note, I’m considering switching all my stations to country music until I finish the second book. It’ll be a little bit brutal at first, but it’ll help me get thinking in the right direction (her approach to the world is radically different from Josh’s), and I’ll probably get accustomed to it pretty quickly. I listened to a lot of country back in high school….

In case you’re wondering, I’m thinking rat packers for Dave (I’ve actually already shown that in the story, with the whole crew singing along to “My Way” in his car), and probably classical music for Nate. Possibly contemporary christian stuff, like B– listens to. I’ll have to get him to play me some and see if it makes any sense to me.

Last night we met D– and K– and N– at Jason’s Deli for dinner, then the guys went for snowcones while the girls went to church. I got to keep the baby. After snowcones, I dropped off a couple movies at Blockbuster, and then D– and I went back to the house. The baby ate her cereal, then sorta flipped out. She went from perfectly happy (giggling and cooing) to just all out screaming in less than a minute, and we couldn’t get her to calm down for the rest of the night (until T– got her to fall asleep). That was pretty brutal.

I did go for a walk at 9:00, and D– tagged along. We spent the walk talking about story ideas for our project, and then got back to the house and kept talking about it for another hour and a half. I’m thinking it’ll take longer to get off the ground than he expects, so don’t let me get your expectations up for anything cool in the near future, but it will definitely be an exciting product when we get it going.

I firmly believe I can finish Josh’s story in the next week. I’ve got a plan. I just have to put in a couple hours a day. If I do that…what next? I talked to D– about that on my walk last night. I could roll straight into Sarah’s story, and keep SK going, but that’s going from the burst energy of finishing off a three year old novel, to starting from scratch at page one.

Alternately, I could finish up King Jason’s War. I’ve got…I dunno, 80% of it done. Maybe a little less in prose form, but I have such a detailed outline that that’s got to count for extra. There’s a chance I could keep up my pretense of self-control and get it finished by the end of the summer (before we’re scheduled to go into actual production mode on the project D– and I are working on). There would be a real psychological advantage to knowing I had three novels completed (even if just in rough draft form). On the other hand, KJW is no good as a first novel. I’m confident it will sell well once my world is established, and I’m in love with the story, but I wouldn’t want to try to pitch it anytime soon, and it seems like I should be focusing on more saleable stuff.

One of the things D– wanted to do, to try to build up the saleability (in the form of market interest) in our novel was to develop a lot of satellite short stories, involving interesting characters and events only loosely related to the plot of the main novel (or trilogy, or trilogies), but emphasizing the unique aspects of our setting. He’d intended all along for that to be a form of prewriting, for us to get to know the characters before starting on the real deal, so it would make a lot of sense to go ahead and invest myself in that, once Josh’s story is done.

On the other hand…it’s sort of a short window before I get actively involved in our joint project, and it sometimes feels like I should be closing out open projects, or maybe cranking out the easy opener stuff for Sarah’s story, so I’ll have a base to work on when I come back to it in a year or two….

This is the sort of stuff I spend my day thinking about. This, and rotary joints breaking down, and air conditioners that will fix corrosion problems, and doubling all my workload in order to maintain an Interactive Electronic Technical Manual parallel to extensive paper documentation…but all that stuff is boring. That’s my job. Count yourself lucky I mostly keep that stuff to myself.

Journal Entry: Tuesday, June 26th

Yes, I went for my walk last night. I did the longer route that I’d come up with, too. It still only took 45 minutes. I’m hoping to find a convenient route that’s right at an hour.

Hmmm…. I just read that Denise Richards is having a luau at the Playboy Mansion. That sounds like fun.

Yesterday I stopped on my way home from work to pick up D–, who’d lost his car key, only to discover when I got there that he’d found it. No big deal, I’d only been waiting five minutes or so, and I’d spent that writing the next scene of SK in my scribble book. But then when I went to leave, I discovered just how many people work there. It was fifteen minutes to get out of the parking lot.

T– made some delicious chicken fried rice for dinner. I’m glad she decided to experiment with that. I’m really enjoying it. Also, it’s another dish that makes for tasty leftovers.

We ran to Blockbuster while D– watched the baby, then I played some Civ while T– watched “According to Jim.” Or possibly According to Jim. I’m not sure about TV shows….

Then I went for my walk, like I said. I spent half of it praying, and covered a lot of ground. Then I spent the second half planning out the Lake Pontchartrain Bridge Massacre. Err…for Sleeping Kings, that is. It should be exciting. It is in my head, anyway.

Then I was in bed by ten. Good for me. This morning at work we’re supposed to have a Branch Meeting to cover the rumors I mentioned a couple weeks ago. I’ll let you know if I learn anything that I can legally reveal on the internet….

Journal Entry: Monday, June 25th

I made chili for dinner last night, which was delicious. T– and D– complained that it was too spicy, but I don’t get that. I’m not exactly good at predicting how spicy something will be, while making it, but I can usually tell exactly how spicy something is when I’m eating it. And last night’s chili was not particularly spicy, in my mind….

Anyway, no matter where you come down on that debate, all parties agreed that it was tasty. So yay. I really enjoy making my chili, and it always makes for at least one lunch of leftovers.

I made some salsa, too, for the party last Friday night, and we snacked on that some last night before dinner. It was fantastic. I spent all day planning to go home and eat some salsa, and then I did. It’s not often I follow through on my ambitions like that, but so rewarding when I do….

Okay, fine, speaking of that: I went for a walk again last night. That makes two in a row. If I can make a week, I’m going to buy some new shorts to celebrate. Here’s hoping.

I got home around 9:40, and I’ve decided to try to drink two full glasses of water after walking, so I stayed up to do that. And, while I was walking, I spent the whole time reviewing the rest of the plot of Sleeping Kings (or, specifically, the first book), and while I was drinking my water I decided I really needed to get some of those ideas written down.

So I wrote out a synopsis of the rest of the book, with target dates for each segment. It took over an hour, but when I was done…I think I have something that’s very doable, in a really reasonable timeframe.

Someone in Texas is reading Sleeping Kings. They started on page one last Friday. I’m guessing it’s either my aunt or N–‘s step-dad, but they haven’t left any comments yet so I don’t know for sure. Time will tell.

Journal Entry: Sunday, June 24th

Closer and closer….

My comment yesterday was, “hopefully I’ll get a couple more pages written.” All told, I got eleven pages done (T–‘s parents’ church is a kinda long-winded one). Most of it is mediocre stuff, but it gets me from where I am in the story, to where I want to be (where, hopefully, the quality will pick up as I write through the climax).

At this point, I know every single event that needs to happen between now and the end of the story. There may be a couple extra bits that present themselves for inclusion, but I’ve got, not just an outline, but the actual story in my head. I just need to write it down.

I’m getting a little bit ahead of myself, though.

Yesterday, after church, we had some amazing steaks. T– had agreed to give her mom some design advice for the relatively new house, so I knew we’d be sticking around for a while, so I took A–b– downstairs to watch some TV while we waited. We watched parts of Men in Black and that movie where Tim Allen and Kristie Brinkley go into hiding in an Amish community, and Hitch. I recommend the Will Smith ones, again.

That’s from past experience, though. Yesterday I didn’t really watch them. I fell asleep, with A–b– on my chest. I did a lot of napping this weekend. Apparently T–‘s parents both asked her at different times why I didn’t bring along a computer this time (I usually do, and then spend the whole weekend glued to it). Turns out leaving it at home didn’t make me any more social — I just ended up sleeping.

I did get a lot of good rest this weekend, though. Yay for that!

On the drive home, T– and I had an amazing conversation. One of the best conversations about us that we’ve had in years. I found it very encouraging.

When we got home, around eight, I dropped T– off to feed the baby, and ran up to Pizza Hut to pick up a couple P’zones, which were quite delicious. We watched some TV while we ate, and by the time the episode was over, it was already nine.

I’ve been telling myself for a week now that tonight I’m going to start going for a vigorous, exercisey walk every single night. I hadn’t followed through on it once. Then, during yesterday’s conversation, among a lot of other things, I told T– about that conviction in the hopes she could help hold me to it. So, last night, after eating way too much P’zone (it was really good), and only being in my home for an hour after a weekend away, I made myself spend the second hour home going for a walk, in spite of the excuses.

It was good, I’m glad I did. I think I did about a forty minute walk last night (my goal is closer to fifty, and probably at a significantly faster pace than I managed last night), and while I was walking, I put together all the pieces I was missing to finish Sleeping Kings. I discovered a couple extra scenes, a couple really strong plot twists that’ll make the impending battle a little less one-sided, I think. And I got some good exercise while I was at it.

Then I woke up this morning with incredibly sore legs. I’m going for a walk again tonight, anyway. It’s important enough to make time for. I get that.

Today’s been slow. Work is dull, and I’m only making progress at a snail’s pace. Around here, they just call that job security.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.


Journal Entry: June 24, 2007

Friday, June 22nd
Friday night, we didn’t end up doing the Family Fun Night. It was rainy, and the event was an outdoor event. As far as I know they didn’t cancel it, but I wouldn’t have wanted to be there.

Instead, we went over to K– and N–‘s for the evening. We made mini-pizzas (which were delicious), and played some Guitar Hero, and talked a lot. S– and J– were there with their two kids, so it was a pretty wild night. Fun, though. Although, as far as Guitar Hero goes, I got a lot worse.

We went home about 10:30.

Saturday, June 23rd
We woke up around 6:30 in order to be on the road an hour later. T– had two big events in Wichita yesterday: a baby shower at 11:00 and a wedding at 4:00. Also, we delivered one of our kittens to T–‘s brother’s family. The original plan was to drop it off on the way to her mom’s house (thus the early start time) but her dad and I ended up taking it over there while T– and her mom were at the shower.

I’d had some hopes of cranking out the last twenty or so pages of Sleeping Kings this weekend, since yesterday should’ve been a pretty empty day for me. I’m kinda popular with the Charboneau clan, though, so I didn’t have quite the amount of free time I thought I would. So, all told, I got about a page and a half written.

After the wedding last night, we came back to T–‘s parents’ place and watched Zoom: Academy for Super Heroes or something to that effect. It was pretty much awful. Not awful in the way a kid’s movie is awful, but awful in the way an awful movie is awful. Just plain awful. Don’t watch it.

Then last night I had nightmares, for the first time in forever. The horror-movie type nightmares, not the how-am-I-going-to-get-the-taxes-paid kind. It was wild.

Right now, I’m just waiting for it to be time to head to church. With luck, I’ll get another couple pages written while we’re there. Afterwards, John’s supposed to make us steaks. I don’t figure we’ll head home until late afternoon.

Journal Entry: Thursday, June 21st

Ah, finally got around to having a wasted evening last night. Well, a lazy one, anyway. I did nothing more notable than working on SK over lunch yesterday during work, and when I got home, I crashed on the couch for most of the night.

Played a game of Civ, and watched a lot of TV with T–. Numb3rs and New Adventures of Old Christine, to be precise.

Tonight, we’re going to Family Fun Night at OC. Tomorrow, we’re headed to Wichita for the weekend. I may or may not update over the weekend. We’ll see what happens.

Journal Entry: Wednesday, June 20th

Strangely busy night last night. I’d go so far as to say hectic.

Work was mostly uninteresting. I was late getting in, and then over lunch I wrote an SK post that introduced a scene I’ve been looking forward to for a long time. Then Xanga was down for the rest of the day, so I didn’t get it posted until this morning.

D–‘s mom stopped by shortly after I got home from work, on her way back to Wichita from someplace Texasy. That was not unexpected. We had an Ed’s Massive Burger, which was delicious, and then she hit the road to get home at a reasonable hour. I loaded up Civ 4, honestly thinking that would be the end of my day (with, y’know, pleasant coasting as I wasted the next three hours playing video games).

Oh, right. “D–‘s mom.” I’ve decided, as a very flimsy sort of privacy protection, to truncate everybody’s name. I almost did the same thing with Wichita, but it could eventually get a little silly. I realize I’m not just documenting my own life here, though, but those of everyone I interact with, to one degree or another, and a surprising number of those people have serious secrecy concerns. Here’s hoping not-spelling-out-their-names every time will sufficiently soothe their anxious little hearts.

Obviously, it’s a thin disguise, but it’ll thwart Google, at the very least.

Also, using the dashes….that’s a really old convention. Lots of novels used to use first-letter-dash-dash in place of a full name for pretty much any proper nouns, especially ones existing in the real world. It still kinda throws me off when I’m reading through a Dumas or Scott and hit a word like that, but I thought it’d be fun to throw it into my blog.

Anyhow, D–‘s mom left around 7:30, and just as I was settling down to play some Civ, T– got a call from N– (isn’t this going to be fun?) saying she and K– wanted to stop by on their way home from church and borrow a couple books. A few minutes after they showed up, we were all talking, playing social, and then I got a call from B– saying their water was off, and could I come help them turn it back on. I just happened to have the right tool for that, so I hung around until K– and N– left, and then headed over to B–‘s place, and fixed his water.

It’s nice to have the right tool for the job. Easiest plumbing project I’ve ever done. We got their water back on, and then I hung around to talk a little. Lots of new complications in the home-buying project. Ugh.

I got back home around 9:30, and found T–‘s friend R–‘s car in the driveway. Oh, and D– was still there building his new computer. Yeesh, busy night at the Pogue house.

And as I’m going to be gone all weekend, and my Friday night’s already accounted for (and I was wearing the right type of shoes for the job), I talked myself into going ahead and mowing the back yard, which badly needed it. I have this to say of mowing at night: there are a lot more bugs out, when it’s dark out. You don’t see many of them, but that’s as much a curse as it is a blessing. Yuck.

Anyway, I got done around 10:00, and but didn’t get to sleep until a couple hours later. So, short night, and it’s been a very long day today at work. Still, I did half the diner scene for SK over lunch, and I’m in a pretty good mood about that.

Journal Entry: Tuesday, June 19th

See how I’m doing that? Posting every morning concerning the day before? It looks funny with the headlines, but I think it’s a better way to do things than trying to remember to post something just before bed.

Yesterday ended up with kind of a rough evening, but up until then it was a pretty cool day. As most of you will have noticed, I got Sleeping Kings updated during the day yesterday. I have one more scene (roughly 3 posts’ worth) before going into the big montage, followed by the climactic Great Battle, followed by the You-Have-to-See-it-to-Believe-It season-ending cliff-hanger. I’ve decided to go ahead and post this next scene, in spite of what I’d said before. It’s got clean breaks, and should make for good posts, and it’s a better stopping spot to tide people over while I take a month or two to write the end. Yeah, yeah, I should’ve thought about better stopping spots for any of my previous several-month hiati, too. But none of those was intentional….

Anyway, got some major huge news at work (regarding organizational structure above me, not me personally), but it’s too early to guess exactly what impact it’ll have. I suppose it could still turn out to be a false rumor, too, but that doesn’t seem likely.

Then I got home, and we ran to Blockbuster for some movies (I got Reno 911 against my better judgment — I’ll let you know how it turns out), and dropped by B– and E–‘s place, too. The new house is a lot cooler with their stuff in it. I can’t wait until they’ve had a chance to settle in. Should be a lot of fun.

When we got back home, A–b– was having trouble eating and that generates a lot of frustration (in her and us), so there was that to deal with. Kind of a long evening, really, but everything’s good now. It’s lunch time, now, and I’m going to see about getting a couple pages written for SK.

Journal Entry: Monday, June 18th

A long day at work yesterday. Mondays always are. I’m working on the Air Conditioner mod Technical Issuance (TI, which is a maintenance manual, really), and will be at least until the middle of July. It’s really a lot of work. I’ve been spending all my time in Section 3, so far, and it’s well over 100 pages. Most of the others won’t be that long.

I think what I want to do on Sleeping Kings is post up the last scene I have written out longhand, and then stop trying to do the daily, 1000-word posts. Instead, I want to just get the novel finished, in a traditional style. I’m sick of it being this close to the end, and unfinished. Still, as any writer will tell you, ending a book is the hardest part. Have you ever read The Chronicles of Amber, by Roger Zelazny? If not, you should. But writing a book or story is a lot like the way he describes walking the Pattern. With each page you finish, it gets harder to write the next one, until the ending is just a monumental task to put down each paragraph. There’s Great Arcs, too, but I don’t want to belabor this too long.

I think I’ve decided not to kill off Carlos. I’m not making any promises for the finished version, but I’m going to leave it out of the rough draft, and see how it goes. Before I killed Adrian, I didn’t intend for that to be an emotionally significant death, but it became one within the narrative, so maybe that’ll serve the purpose Carlos’s death was supposed to. We’ll see.

Last night I got home and mostly crashed. T– made tacos, I played with A–b– on the floor (and watched her scoot, which is almost like a crawl, except lamer), and then N– invited us over for Texas Yumyum, which is a sort of dessert. And while we were there, we Guitar Heroed on K–‘s new XBox. Apparently, I did pretty well for my first time. I can see how it would be very challenging at harder difficulty levels, though.

All in all, a really fun evening. We got home at ten, and I went to bed as soon as I was done feeding the kittens.

Journal Entry: June 18, 2007

Hmm…okay, I’m only four days behind, so far. So today’s will be a long one.

Friday, June 15th
I took off work last Friday, because I get one day per pay period, and my regular day off (this coming Friday, the 22nd) I’m going to be busy with work, so I took it early.

Thursday night, I agreed to spend my Friday keeping an eye on K– (who’d just had surgery), but I got a call from N– early early Friday morning saying she could take care of it, so I could just stay in bed. Unfortunately, by the time I learned this, I was already out of bed. Alas.

T– and I went to Sears, and I finally got repair parts for my week-dead lawnmower (that died mid-mow, so my front yard had been weird looking). I also did go over to K–‘s for a few hours in the afternoon, and we beat Gears of War on his new XBox 360. Sweet.

‘Round about 4:00, “B and E” (as they like to be known) were closing on their house, so we threw a housewarming party for them. D– brought the wine, I ordered pizza, and toward the end of the evening K– and N– bought us all gellato. Oh, and we watched Ghost Rider and ridiculed it without mercy. Again, alas for what might have been.

Saturday, June 16th
Saturday was awful. B– kept insisting he would need no help moving their boxes to the new house (and I was getting the feeling he wouldn’t accept any, anyway), so after I repaired my lawnmower (I say “repaired” because it sounds a lot more impressive than “replaced the air filter and spark plug for the first time in five years”), I decided to go ahead and mow. And while I was at that, I pulled out the ol’ power hedge trimmers to clean up the overgrown clutter along our front fence, and to chop down the unpleasant shrubs growing along our front walk. Chainsaw work, but I did it with hedge trimmers. In the hot and humid. For a couple hours.

What I’m getting at, is I fully wore myself out working on the yard, then went inside and crashed on the couch, only to have D– call me lazy and instruct me to go help him start loading up B–‘s stuff. Which I did, because I don’t like being called lazy in spite of the fact that I’m amazingly lazy. Kinda like Back to the Future 2, when you think about it….

Anyway, D–‘s a vicious taskmaster anyway, so we sprinted through getting B–‘s stuff loaded, then sprinted through getting it unloaded so I could be back at the house in time for T– to leave for an evening of scrapbooking. I’d promised to watch A–b–. Daniel was kind enough to watch her for a couple hours while I went to dinner with T– and K– and N– mid-crop, and other than that she slept for most of the evening, so that was a relief. I played a pretty amazing game of Civ, and then went to bed when I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer, around 2:30.

Sunday, June 17th
Okay, Saturday morning and midday I used myself up, and then spent the whole evening and night folded into an extremely soft couch, so my options for Sunday were extremely limited before it ever began. I woke with an extraordinarily sore back. In addition, all A–b–‘s good sleep Saturday evening meant that she wasn’t as tired as she should’ve been during the night, so she kept T– awake late and woke her up early. Between the two of us, we were a pretty sad sight for most of the day.

It was my first Father’s Day, though, and T– gave me an awesome book of pictures of A–b–. She made the book, and picked such cute pictures. I brought it to work this morning, and naturally it was a big hit.

We managed to make a trip to the grocery store, and T– made some delicious Amish Friendship Bread. I fiddled around with stuff on my computer (some WoW, some Civ, lots of just fiddling). T– watched half a dozen episodes of Numb3rs. We’d intended to go over to B– and E–‘s new place sometime in the afternoon, but they were overcome with the many demands of new homeownership, and so that was postponed. We ended up meeting K– and N– for dinner at Jersey Mike’s Subs, and then crashing for the evening.

All told, we accomplished very little. I finished Saturday’s Civ game with the option of winning in any of 4 different victory paths within the last 5 turns. That was pretty cool. We went to bed early and I slept the sleep of the dead.