Journal Entry: June 22, 2006

It seems like all I talk about lately is Sleeping Kings. I guess I should feel bad about that, but…I dunno. I haven’t written in so long. And now, this story has me writing again, and remembering why I used to call myself a writer.

Let me tell you, it has nothing to do with my day job.

I once wrote, in a poem, “I write to make a perfect world with words.” That’s funny, under the current circumstances, since (as any of you reading Sleeping Kings knows) I’m in the process of destroying the United States. It’s really pretty miserable for everyone involved.

Trish’s…great second cousin (or something like that) passed away last weekend. She decided to go up to Wichita for the funeral, to be with her family (her Mom in particular). I didn’t really have the leave, and Trish didn’t feel it was crucial that I be there, so I stayed home and worked on Wednesday.

Tuesday night I mostly hung out with Kris and Nicki. We went to some Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner (I had a burger), and I spent the entire time talking about my story. I kept thinking, “Okay, enough, talk about something else.”

I didn’t, though.

So, yeah, same sort of thing is going on here, and I apologize. But, as then, I probably won’t actually change my ways. Sorry.

Also played some WoW with Kris on Tuesday, checked out the new content patch, and then watched Undercover Brother, which I’d gotten him for his birthday. That was a lot of fun. Lynchburg Lemonades helped. I don’t know where Kris learned to make them so well, but he does a fantastic job. Have him make you one sometime. Delish.

And yesterday I worked, and got a day ahead on Sleeping Kings for the first time, and spent all afternoon wanting to post the story I’d just written (the one that’s up there now, as today’s post). Knowing that I have readers actively following the story, it kills me that I have stuff written that I’m not sharing. I’ve got a lot of notes I wrote to myself about what’s going to happen in the story, long-term, and I keep wanting to share those, too, even though they’d be major spoilers.

I’m having to fight down the urge, all the time.

Y’know…I used to feel this way all the time. I don’t really know why I stopped writing. I have some suspicions, and none of them are things I can really control. Which is sad, because it means it could happen again, tomorrow or next week or a year from now. I love it when I’m writing, though. I want to keep it up.

Tonight, I’m going over to Kris’s to play some WoW with everybody (that being Graham, Jeff, Dad, and Kris, natch). Daniel’s not in the list because he’s in Europe, but I think you all knew that.

I’ve been having trouble caring about WoW lately. Kris has never played a lot, and he’s been even busier than normal lately. I’ve got all my characters I care about up to 60 (the level limit), and am close to getting some I don’t care about there, too. And I just don’t think I’d enjoy much of the stuff to do at the end-game. Also, I lost a massive amount of money (in-game) on what should have been a safe investment. So I’m broke, and don’t have much to do, and Daniel and Kris aren’t playing much.

I dunno. There’s still other reasons to play, but too often when I log into the game, I’ve just got nothing to do. So I log back out, but I’ve got nothing else to do. So I log back in. That’s most of my free time, for the last couple weeks.

I’m looking forward to Heroes of Might and Magic V, which might be out already. That could be fun, but I think it’s not an MMO, so I can’t see really getting into it. I’d still like to try Savage, but it came out just before WoW, and WoW distracted me, and by now it’s probably kinda outdated. I don’t really know of anything else on the horizon.

Life is weird. There’s so much, and then there’s so much. You look around, and it’s full of other new things, and they’re all familiar, but if you look close, they’re completely different.

I’m just sayin’, is all.

Journal Entry: June 19, 2006

Back to work.

Yesterday was a good weekend. Actually, taken in combination with the better aspects of Saturday (and ignoring the worse ones), I’d go so far as to say I had a really good weekend.

I’m excited about Sleeping Kings. In the past, I’ve said that because I was just excited that it was still going, that I was still writing daily. Now, I’m more excited about the story itself, and how the characters are coming together and the story is starting to pick up pace.

Y’know… I was talking to Nicki about this before, when she asked me why I stopped writing Sleeping Kings three years ago. It was always an idea I liked. And I’ve always thought it would be fun to write a serial novel.

I worked on one for an ex-girlfriend, actually. I think about that, from time to time. Girl I dated in high school, I would write her four pages every day, and slip them into her locker on my way out of school (for some reason, she stayed later than I did).

I kept that up for the entire time we were dating. She loved the story. We broke up, it was kinda ugly (I brought the drama, go fig), and then I never really talked to her again. Oh! No, this isn’t Lindsey. All of the above was true for Lindsey, too, but I never wrote her a story.

Anyway, I’d given her my only copy of the story, handwritten as I went. I don’t remember anything about the story now. I don’t know if I’d try to rewrite it if I did. But…yeah. That was my first attempt at a periodic novel.

My second was Sleeping Kings. If you noticed, reading the prologue, I got about five installments done. About 2-3 pages per installment. That…that’s really not very much. That’s maybe an afternoon’s work, if I’d done it all at once.

That’s pretty sad.

Here’s the thing about periodic novels: it takes a lot out of you, every single day (or week, or month, depending on the periodicity). Yeah, sure, a couple of my favorite authors wrote periodic novels. They also got paid for them. I can emulate them out of academic and professional interest, y’know, because it’s cool, but I don’t have newspapers looking to support an author for a weekly contribution the way they did.

So, the point is, from now on it’s going to cost you $4.95 every time you access Sleeping Kings. Sorry, but it had to be done.


No, not really. That would be way cool, but no. Actually, what I was going to say, is that this time part of what I’m getting out of it is just the process of writing. It had been so long since I really wrote, that I do, to a big extent, feel like getting something published (albeit in a cheap and easy medium) is its own reward, to an extent.

The other thing I’m taking in payment is feedback. Comments. So when I’m bugging you for a response, try to remember that the response is much of what keeps me going. I’m not just trying to be annoying — knowing (or imagining) that I have readers out there anxiously wondering what’s going to happen today is a big part of what makes me post something today.

Also…I commented to Heather earlier about this. I’m trained — college-educated — to take any kind of feedback at all, and make the most of it. So don’t feel like there’s any burden on you to say something special, or something important. Just say anything at all. Whatever you’re feeling after you read a post, that’s useful information to me.

Beh. I don’t mean to sound like I’m coming here begging. Just wanted to share a little insight into my process.

Also: I really hope you like the story. Deep down, I do. Who doesn’t want to be liked, y’know?

Other notes:

Nacho Libre is fantastically good. Go see it, for yeah. Funny. Worth a laugh. On a similar note, Mom and Dad insist that you should go see Over the Hedge. I haven’t been an obedient son yet, though, so I can’t confirm or deny their praise.

*Spoilers* Nate dies in Act II. It’s very sad.

Oh. So, like, three years ago, I spent several months writing a lot of Python scripts for our modded XBoxen. They were moderately useful. The most useful things I made were an emulator so other developers could write XBox scripts on their computers, and a detailed, formally laid-out tutorial for new developers wanting to know how to write Python scripts for XBox. I actually took an existing one, that was very poor English and miserably laid-out, and just tech-writed it.

Anyway, I put these up on my cheesy free website provided by Cox, and out of curiosity I got a counter, and for the four to six months I was working on it, I was getting around ten thousand hits a month, on average.

That’s kind of a lot, for a little thing like that.

Anyway, when we moved, it got chopped down. That was sad, but it had been years since I did anything with it, so I just thought, “Aww, how sad for them,” and forgot about it.

It just occurred to me today, on the drive in to work, that I could really easily re-create the same email address I’d used then, post all of the old website up to the automatically-created cheesy free website, and the entire site would be available again, at the exact same address.

Took me about twenty minutes, and now all those years-old links still work, and everything. I’m glad I did that. Yay me.

That’s all.

Journal Entry: June 17, 2006

Good morning!

I’m doing a lot better today. I can’t really say why, but yesterday afternoon went a lot better than I’d expected. I watched some standup, which almost always puts me in good spirits, and then my inner demon/angel combo talked me into going to Bennigans and getting a steak and a margarita.

Actually, I had a hot turkey sandwich and a couple Lynchburg lemonades, but the effect was the same. I also took my notebook with me, and anyone reading Sleeping Kings probably already knows that I got about twelve pages written on the unfinished prologue. That had been hanging over my head for about four years now, so getting that done was probably a major part of the pick-me-up.

And then I came back to my hotel room and watched four hours of standup. Fell asleep to the familiar sounds of Jim Gaffigan riffing on Mexican food. It was a great night.

Now, I’m just wishing I was already home. Today’s timetable is going to be pretty weird. I have about two hours left before I need to check out. I’m probably playing WoW until then. I should be writing on Sleeping Kings, but I can’t, for reasons I explained over there.

Then we’re grabbing lunch, driving into Detroit, and probably dropping off the car and going to the airport. I’m still not 100% on that, though. See…we only have one car, and it’s in my name. Laveta flies home at 3:00, so she needs to be at the airport at 2:00. I couldn’t get the same flight, so (as you know) I’m leaving at 7:00. So if I go ahead and go to the airport with Laveta, that puts me there four hours early. Blech.

I’d do it, just for simplicity’s sake, except it means that, come dinner time, I’ll be stuck at the airport. I hate airport food. Sure, yeah, it’s exactly the same as my favorite food when I’m not at the airport, but when I’m there, I hate it. Couldn’t tell you why.

I’ll probably just go to the airport, buy access to the wireless network there, and spend the afternoon writing or playing WoW. That’s what I expect. We’ll see what actually happens.

Have a great Saturday, people.

Journal Entry: June 16, 2006


I had a late night last night. Finally fell asleep about three-thirty-two-thirty-central. No coffee, last night or this morning. Just…things on my mind.

I spent a few hours last night reading The Invented Reality (a book I mentioned in Sleeping Kings, that I just happened to have on my bookshelf). It’s really good. You should all read it! Well, only the smart ones among you, actually.

Hmm…that’s not quite fair. I really should have said “the academic ones,” because it’s a very academic book. Feels kinda post-graduate level to me, but I’m only in the first essay. Fascinating stuff, though.

I’ve got a headache this morning. Probably has something to do with last night….

Okay, so, through work I get $60 a day for meals and incidentals, whether or not I actually spend that much. That can make for some pretty nice meals on travel, but unfortunately I was able to get that money as a travel advance, and I’ve long-since spent my per diem to pay for, y’know, mortgages and electric bills.

That’s probably a good thing. I mean, it’s not as though I need steaks and margaritas every night on travel, but it would help fill the quiet hours, knowwhatImean?

Oh! Got my numbers wrong, too. I don’t get home at 7:00 tomorrow — my flight leaves Detroit at 7:00. With the time change, I get in at 9:30. Bah.

Bah. Not in a good mood today. I did get done with my course around 11:30, and the rest of today is an optional review session which I don’t need to attend. Good, in that I’m not bored in the classroom, listening to the teacher lady chatter. Bad, in that now I’m just gonna spend the next twenty-four hours bored in my hotel room, instead.

Back to the not-quite-playing-WoW-or-reading-or-watching-TV-or-whatever state. I dunno why I’m in a funk, but I am quite thoroughly in a funk. Gonna go get some Taco Bell, maybe. Who knows, maybe I’ll win the El Presidente contest and get a million pesos. That would lift my spirits more than somewhat….

Live well. Seriously, I do command it.


I know some of you are wondering, “Will one of those crappy little mini-fridges that they have in hotel rooms keep a half-gallon of ice cream frozen?” Wonder no more!

The answer is, “Probably, as long as the cleaning ladies don’t flip the switch that shuts off power to all the room’s outlets when they’re cleaning the room at noon, and you don’t get back from your training until about five in the evening, at which point it’s just mush.”

Or, in my particular case, Fat Free, Sugar Free, Slightly Vanilla-flavored Mush, with Splenda™.

I tried to make a float out of it, in much the same way that old ladies will make a pudding out of clearly rotted bananas, with, like, maggots crawling out of them and stuff. The result was…well, pretty much what you’d expect.

Journal Entry: June 15, 2006

Trish’s laptop doesn’t have enough RAM.

Umm…if you know what I mean?

So, I brought the laptop with me so I can play some WoW while I’m alone at night (oh, man, the inuendos just don’t stop!). Unfortunately, it just barely runs WoW at all. I made some plans with the guys last night for a late-night instance run, and then I had to cancel on them because I couldn’t even stay in game.

Kris is apparently having the same problem, but for entirely different reasons.

So, I keep thinking that since WoW won’t work I should just write. Or read. Or program. Or watch TV. Or a movie.

Problem is, I’m very unfocused. Spacey, even. I just move from thing to thing. I think I might have figured out part of the reason for that last night. I’ve spent the whole week here drinking 3-5 cups of coffee a day. I dunno, it’s just something I do on travel. It is just something I do on travel. I normally don’t drink coffee at all.

So I’m probably just major buzzing on caffeine. I told Kris I’d lay off coffee today, but I did have a cup with breakfast. Just one so far today, though….

Speaking of chemically altered, I decided a couple weeks ago that I’d pick up a bottle of wine while I was here and have a glass every night. I’ve been doing that, too. What with the other things going on in my head, mebbe I shouldn’t be, but I’ve actually really been enjoying it. It’s been way too long since I’ve had wine around on any kind of a regular basis. I need to start doing that again. Of course, first I have to win the lottery.

Also, I think I mentioned last night that my current class is moving too slowly for me. Because of that, I ran up to the store last night and grabbed a notebook, so I can write some during the slower parts of the course.

Here’s what I learned today: I no longer have writer’s calluses. (Callouses?) When you write with a thin pencil or pen a lot, you get a callus on your middle finger where you rest the pen. I spent elementary and middle school with these long, thick, red calluses all along the middle finger on my left hand, because that was pretty much the only way I wrote, and I wrote a lot. Then, around the first of high school, I started word processing. Now, I have no calluses at all. And this morning’s class was really slow.


One other thing: I had a chicken sandwich from Burger King for lunch. Sooooo good. Have one soon. That is all.

Journal Entry: June 14, 2006

Okay, I’m going to try to start writing more of a journal here, because I really can’t keep my friends and family updated with emails to any extent, and because I’ve started writing all my good ideas into Sleeping Kings, instead of writing essays about them here.

I’m still sticking with the G, G, and G tags when I do write essays (and I’m sure I’ll keep doing that). I’m just adding a “Journal Entry” tag, which means I’m just writing boring news about my boring life.

So enjoy!

I’m in Ann Arbor at the moment, on training for work. We’ve got a major project under way, in which we’re converting all of our thousands and thousands of pages of decades old documentation into an interactive digital format (an IETM, or Interactive Electronic Technical Manual).

To make it interactive, we’ve hired a couple of very impressive companies to take what are essentially paper documents and write a whole layer of XML over the top of the content describing all the parts and making them work. Very fancy stuff, and it has certainly impressed the people who will be using the documents. It was also not, by any means, a cheap process.

So now they’re handing that work over to us, and we’ve got to maintain the documents they gave us, and integrate any future documents into the system, so I’m getting to learn XML on the government dime. Thus, my trip here. I’m learning a really cool editing tool designed to simplify the process of writing good XML, and writing it well.

The training has been interesting. I had a one-day class called “Understanding XML and SGML,” an introductory course explaining what this stuff is. That was Tuesday. I thought it would be dreadfully dull, since I already knew all about those things, but he put it into context in a powerful way, and it was actually a really good course.

The rest of my week I’m in a class called “Authoring with Epic Editor,” learning to use the actual program, which is the bit I was excited about. Actually, turns out this class is as bad as I expected the other one to be. I suppose what I needed was a 1-day course teaching the things we’re going to be learning over 3 days. Alas. Not an option.

Anyway, that’s all. Michigan is beautiful. Everything is green, there’s a slight overcast all the time, and the weather is a comfortable 70-something. It’s awesome. Also having a better time than I did in Seattle simply because my hotel is very close to lots of places (and by that I mean Taco Bell and McDonalds, not, like, national monuments or places of interest). So, convenient location, free breakfast, and my evenings free. That’s pretty good.

Other than that, not much interesting news at the moment. Last weekend Trish was in Dallas on a family scrapbooking trip, which went well, but I’ll leave that to her to detail.

I’m excited about Sleeping Kings. I’ve gotten some great feedback, and against all odds I’ve managed to keep writing daily. Of course, I could stop at any point, but I’m just impressed I got this far. I hope to start doing something similar with King Jason’s War when I get home.

That’ll be Saturday, 7-ish, by the way. In case you were wondering.

Journal Entry: On Travel for Work

Ross: Baby and eagle, still ablaze, swirl around the whirlpool that has become of the apartment.

Rachel: Boy are you going to be sorry if that’s true.

Thank goodness for TBS, when away from home and TiVo. KnowhwatImean?